Saturday, January 20, 2018

Social Media Fast

Most churches have started a corporate fast in January.  The church my family joined began the corporate fast on January 7th.   I chose to do a modified Daniel Fast (no meats or sweets) and a social media fast.   

Concerning the social media fast, I'm not one who thinks social media is evil, although, evil is pervasive on social media.  At the same time, there is much good.  No, I believe it is a great way to communicate.  However, during this fast, I'm learning some things about myself.  

1.  I have a terrible habit of picking up my phone to see what's happening on Facebook and Instagram.  During this fast, I have had to start going to my bible app, or news app to break this habit.  I might have to do a fast from my news app after this, especially with all the garbage happening in our government.  

2. Most of what I put on Facebook doesn't communicate what I'm going through in life.  I try to stay positive with my post by pointing people to Jesus.  But, in reality, most don't know what is happening in my life.   

3. It is so easy to be fake on social media.  Perception is the reality, and most of the time I want to put forth a false reality for my life. You know, the one that says I have it all together.  I suppose that is why I have committed to blogging more this year about real life and real struggles.  


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Divine Visitation

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