Overflow Life Collective aims to help individuals who have lost hope. Our unwavering mission is to bring the light and hope of Jesus Christ to those in need.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
God's Game Plan: Honor
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Why Pray?
Why Pray? Here are some reasons God commands us to pray.
1. We move from knowing about God to truly knowing God when we pray.
2. We express our trust in the Lord when we pray. The more we pray the more we trust.
3. We deepen our relationship with God when we pray. The more we pray the more our love for God deepens and grows.
4. We become a part of God’s great plan when we pray. Prayer allows us to be involved with activities that have eternal significance.
5. God’s kingdom is advanced when we pray.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
God's Game Plan: Trust
Proverbs 3:5-8
1. God wants His children to trust Him without any reservation.
2. Trust without any reservation is not based upon the amount of your trust, but the object of your trust.
a. You can trust the Lord’s providence and power.
b. You can trust the Lord’s promises and provisions.
3. You are trusting God without reservation when you…
a. Trust the Lord completely
b. Trust the Lord exclusively
c. Trust the Lord relationally
d. Trust the Lord expectantly
4. Life Application
a. Have you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
b. Write down some of the things that may be keeping you from trusting the Lord without any reservations.
c. What area in your life do you need give over to the Lord?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Don't Stop for God's Sake!
Last Monday, I started my eighth week of my couch to 5K running program. I did not want to run. My body and my mind were telling me not to run. I was about to give up when I looked up and saw one of my neighbors running toward me. Her presence, and knowing that she has completed the route encouraged me to go on.
Ten minutes later, I was ready to stop running again. Then, at just the right time, I saw the shadow of a runner coming up behind me. It was another neighbor running the same route I was running, even though his pace was much faster than mine. His presence was just what I needed to finish a three-mile run that I never wanted to start in the first place.
My experience caused me to start thinking about my church family. As followers of Christ, we are all in the race together, and we need each other to finish strong. We need to continually encourage one another to stay the course.
I found great satisfaction in finishing my three-mile run. And I owe a great thanks to the Lord for placing people around me to encourage perseverance. I am also thankful for the great people the Lord has put around me to continue to run the race called Christianity.
Be encouraged today. Don't stop running the race. The reward will far outweigh your temporary struggle.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Dear Church Family, It is with Great Sadness that I Submit...
Yesterday, I shared some application questions after my sermon. I thought I would post some of them here and allow you to share. Here is the message outline and a few application questions. I would love to have some of your thoughts and testimonies about what God teaching in the area of obedience.
God’s Game Plan: Obedience
Proverbs 3:1-4
1. Obeying God is the basis for sustaining a right relationship with the Lord (1-2).
a. A right relationship begins with a covenant relationship with the Lord.
b. A right relationship is sustained by obeying God’s commands (1)
c. A right relationship results in a life well lived (2)
2. Loving God is the reason for sustaining a right relationship with the Lord (3-4)
a. God devotes his love to his children (3a)
b. God’ deserves love from his children (3a)
c. God demands loyalty from his children (3b)
3. Life Application Questions:
a. Share a story of how you have experienced God’s faithfulness and steadfast love in your life recently.
b. How are you doing in showing your love for God? Are there areas in your life keeping you from loving God the way you should? Is God moving you outside of your comfort zone?
c. Are you loyal to God? Are you encountering situations that may keep you from being faithful to the Lord?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Are You Ready for Some Wisdom?
I am excited about the new sermon series starting this Sunday called "God's Game Plan." The third chapter of Proverbs teaches basic truths for winning at the game of life. If God's people are going to live a life well lived, then there are some fundamentals that must be followed.
It is said that when legendary coach Vince Lombardi started a new football season, he always started by holding up a football and saying,
"This is a football."This Sunday's message is the most fundamental message for winning in life. You don't want to miss it.
In June, I took the time to reflect on how well I had been following the guiding principles I set for myself this year. I had made significa...
My Love, I can recall that dream with such clarity, as if it unfolded just yesterday. A divine whisper from God filled me with certainty tha...
In a recent newspaper article, Robert Cook, the rector of St. Andrews Anglican Church in Little Rock, discussed the three streams of Anglica...
Over the past month, I have immersed myself in the study of Anglicanism, delving into its rich history and practices. It captivated me becau...