Sunday, September 11, 2011

God's Game Plan: Trust


Proverbs 3:5-8

1. God wants His children to trust Him without any reservation.

2. Trust without any reservation is not based upon the amount of your trust, but the object of your trust.

a. You can trust the Lord’s providence and power.

b. You can trust the Lord’s promises and provisions.

3. You are trusting God without reservation when you…

a. Trust the Lord completely

b. Trust the Lord exclusively

c. Trust the Lord relationally

d. Trust the Lord expectantly

4. Life Application

a. Have you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

b. Write down some of the things that may be keeping you from trusting the Lord without any reservations.

c. What area in your life do you need give over to the Lord?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How ca you trust a being who created the devil and demons? Resist the devil, whom God created? Is life just God's universal game?

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