Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Do You Cry?

There's nothing more heartbreaking than finding your wife crying.  To make matters worse, she was crying because of a financial struggle we are having.  As the provider, this is crushing.  But it gets worse. 

The main reason she was crying was the fact that my daughter was going to have to give up her passion for horses.  All I could hear through her tears was, "I hate to disappoint our daughter." Foolishly, I tried to comfort her with these words, "Our Heavenly Father disappoints us at times." At that moment a question hit me, one that I had for God. 

Crying myself by this time, I found a quiet place and just asked the Lord, "Do you Cry when you disappoint us?" It's one thing when a father and mother have to disappoint a child because things are outside of their control.  But, to have the Sovereign ruler of the universe, whose in control of all things disappoint, well, it's comparing apples to oranges, in my opinion.  After several repetitions of the question through my tears, I received an answer. 

The Spirit of God took me to the eleventh chapter of the gospel of John, and the story of Lazuras.   In this chapter is where the shortest and easiest verse to memorize is found, "Jesus wept" (John 11:35).  Why was Jesus weeping? He knew he was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. He knew that a miracle was about to take place that would turn their mourning into rejoicing.  So why the tears? 

Jesus wept because the people where grieving.  They were mourning because Jesus let them down and did not come when they requested that he come, allowing Lazuras to die. The Lord disappointed them and caused them tremendous heartache. 

God answered my question. He cries when he disappoints us.   Even though God is in control and can never let us down, he does so, for a greater good.  In the case of Lazuras, he performed a miracle, and the Father was glorified. 

I find comfort in knowing that God weeps with me in my struggles and let downs.  It affirms that in the midst of the mess he's with me, and will see me through to the other side. 

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