Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's Not Easy

The "Just a Minute" focus at First Southern has been very inspiring for me. I know that many think that pastors find it easy to share Jesus with people one on one, but it isn't, at least not for me. It has reminded me that my purpose here on earth is to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Therefore, my focus has been on opportunities to witness.

My first opportunity to share Jesus this week was with a homeless man who came to the church for food. I happened to walk into the church lobby when the man was leaving. He asked me if we had any shoes, then proceeded to show me the whole in the bottom of his work boot. The Holy Spirit told me this was my opportunity, so I loaded the man in my car, and I took him to get some shoes from Payless. On the way I shared my testimony and the gospel with him. He is a recovering Meth addict and has found deliverance in Jesus Christ.

My next opportunity was with a lady who also needed food. I caught her on the way out of the church and introduced myself to her. I quickly turned the conversation to her spiritual life and why God should let her into heaven. Her reply, "I worked hard." She was basing her entrance into heaven on her works. I shared the gospel, but she kindly said no and got into her car.

My third opportunity was once again with a person who came to the church for assistance. He was a believer who needed encouragement. I invited him to church and then prayed for the many things that he was struggling with in life.

I am so thankful that I have a story to tell about Jesus. Many people think they know Jesus, but they don't. It is wonderful to know that you know him. If you don't know Jesus and would like to know more about how you can have heaven and eternal life, leave a comment on this post and will contact you.

Pastor Patrick

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Divine Visitation

Have you ever experienced a divine visitation that left you awestruck? I’m not referring to experiences like encountering Jesus, as the apos...