Sunday, July 2, 2017

Bible Reading: Where to start

Bible Reading: Where to start
Clay Bartel 

Wow, the Bible is a big book. Really big. We have this older King James Version at home that’s 1,750-plus pages. And that’s not one of those large-font books for older people. A lot of folks interested in reading it don’t because of the overwhelming question every Bible beginner asks: Where do you start?

That’s a great question. See, the Bible is not a straight narrative, but rather a collection of stories God – through His Holy Spirit – has given to us at different eras in human history. So you can really start anywhere you want.

But where exactly?

Here’s the quick and easy answer: It starts with your own tastes and interests. Check out this handy guide for starting. If you’re interested in/then read:

•           Inspirational music/lyrics and poetry = Psalms
•           Practical advice on gaining wisdom and overcoming temptation = Proverbs
•           Action/Adventure stories = Joshua, 1 Samuel
•           Basic philosophy/tenets of Jesus = Matthew
•           The Biography of Jesus = Luke
•           Godly Love and Romance = Song of Solomon
•           History of the Church and the Holy Spirit = Acts
•           Staying pure in a prideful, fallen, self-gratifying world = Romans
•           Law/legal matters = Exodus/Leviticus
•           Faith of Abraham/endurance of Jacob/courage of Joseph = Genesis

In all truth, there’s no place that you have to begin. Pick any book you want and start.
There are a few books that I would discourage you starting as they do require some pre-requisites (other books be read/understood first) to bring everything into clearer view. For instance, I would read the Pentetuech and the Gospels before diving into a dense book like Hebrews. I would read and study the entire Gospel before reading Acts. Neither one of those books will make much sense otherwise.

Oh, and if you’re really ambitious, I would read the Gospel as well as most of Paul’s letters and have a good working knowledge of Old Testament Law and prophetic texts before biting into that giant club sandwich known as the book of Revelation. Just saying…

With all the richness of learning and awesome storytelling, it’s a shame that so many let the world distract and discourage them from reading the Bible. To many, the Bible is a telephone book of do’s and don’ts – mostly, don’ts. To others, the Bible is boring or difficult to understand.

Friends, listen to me clearly. The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible, and He will help you read and understand everything with a lot more clarity and relevance than if you try doing it in your own strength. All you have to do is pray and ask Him for help, and He will give it to you. That’s what He wants you to do. All you have to do is ask.

Happy reading!


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