Sunday, March 13, 2011

Christian Leaders Are The Problem!

This morning, I had the opportunity to use Glen Beck, as an illustration. My focus was not intended to be on Glenn Beck and his false spiritual beliefs. No, my focus was intended for the Christian leaders who have embraced him as a Christian. He's not!

When leaders embrace someone whose beliefs differ from the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, there is a problem. People can be deceived to think that what Glenn espouses as spiritual truth is TRUTH. This concerns me tremendously.

I have been astonished how many Christian leaders have put aside doctrinal purity for the sake of political advancement. The kingdom we serve is not of this world, and the purity of the gospel we preach must be protected. Doctrine does matter. What you believe is important.

My prayer is for God's people to know the basics of Christianity and the uniqueness of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

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Divine Visitation

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